WebPower - Basic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis
This is a collection of tools for conducting both basic and advanced statistical power analysis including correlation, proportion, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, mediation analysis, longitudinal data analysis, structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. It also serves as the engine for conducting power analysis online at <https://webpower.psychstat.org>.
Last updated 6 months ago
5.42 score 8 stars 128 scripts 1.3k downloadsrsem - Robust Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data and Auxiliary Variables
A robust procedure is implemented to estimate means and covariance matrix of multiple variables with missing data using Huber weight and then to estimate a structural equation model.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.89 score 2 dependents 13 scripts 447 downloadslogistic4p - Logistic Regression with Misclassification in Dependent Variables
Error in a binary dependent variable, also known as misclassification, has not drawn much attention in psychology. Ignoring misclassification in logistic regression can result in misleading parameter estimates and statistical inference. This package conducts logistic regression analysis with misspecification in outcome variables.
Last updated 1 years ago
1.00 score 8 scripts 226 downloads